Performance Management

Drive performance across your company with Weekly10

Clearly defined goals, OKRs that provide real transparency, reviews that are evidence based as well as 360-reviews talent mapping and more all add up to a powerful and effective way to improve performance at work.

Weekly10 Employee Performance Tracking Software

The average time it takes our managers to prepare for annual reviews has dropped by 80% which is a huge time and cost saving

James Nutt Mr. Fothergill's

James Nutt

Operations Manager, Mr Fothergill's

We’re able to see in near real-time how the business is performing and where employee goals need updating, instead of waiting for a performance review to roll around.

Weekly10 customer Magenta Insurance Matt Taylor

Matt Taylor

Head of People & Learning, Magenta Insurance
performance management software integration

Elevate performance for all with OKRs and goals

Set a North Star that all your people can follow with clear and transparent goal-setting that links actions to outcomes and purpose. As part of the employee check-in that is the beating heart of the Weekly10 process, goals or OKRs can be set, updated, edited and completed.

Managers and senior leaders can ensure targets are still relevant, get near real-time progress updates and ensure that everyone is moving in the right direction, together.

Employees gain visibility on how their actions drive the progress of company-wide goals. People become better aligned and engaged in the work that matters most.

Weekly10 OKR performance management tools

Continuous performance management for more effective outcomes

Your people update their goals, raise issues and share successes in each Weekly10 check-in. Because of this managers have oversight on how teams are working without the need for any disruptive micromanagement.

Managers become empowered to provide help exactly where and when it is needed, can review goals with their people to ensure relevancy and share little wins to senior leaders fast.

All this adds up to a process that enables people to perform better. Hurdles are overcome quicker, time isn’t wasted on out of date objectives and people are recognised for their contributions.

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Performance management in Microsoft Teams with 90% less admin: Performance reviews

Performance reviews that don’t eat up your time

On average it takes 5 to 10 days for managers to plan, run and complete a traditional performance review.

We think that’s a whole load of lost time and we’re willing to bet that you do too!

We’ve made it quick and easy for your people to prep for performance reviews. 90% quicker in fact. They just pre-populate their review with performance metrics from their Weekly10 check-in history and submit to their manager.

But it’s not just about speed. Managers can pull in everything from SMART goal or OKR data, to employee feedback, 360° feedback and even training certificates to create effective performance reviews based on evidence and not best guesses or “how I remember it” moments.

Weekly10 check-in

Built for your people, not just HR

We don’t all work the same way or in the same places. And no one wants more passwords to remember, right?

That’s why Weekly10 is available across popular work place apps like Microsoft Teams and Slack, as well as on web and mobile. This flexibility on when and where you check-in drives better participation and fits the work style of your people.

See Teams app

People-centric, effective performance…

Our people love it! It’s an essential HR tool for us and for any business that really cares about retaining its best people by helping them to be their best self.

Hannah Saunders

CEO & Founder, Toddle

Read customer story
Portrait of a confident young businessman

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See the difference a Weekly10 check-in makes.

Give your employees the power to be at their very best each and every day with a habit-forming employee check-in from Weekly10.

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